
Circular IT services – a complete solution 

Foxway makes digital life easy through providing circular IT services. We recognize a strong development in the market and the services we provide are right on time. In this article, Fredrik Spilsberg, Head of Sales Private at Foxway, shares what he considers the biggest opportunities and challenges according to customers and what they demand.

Time and cost efficiency

It is not uncommon for companies to have several different contact points when acquiring and maintaining business IT hardware. Having several different contact points; for example, a reseller, a company for configuration, a finance company, a company for IT Asset management and another for handling the take-back of the company’s units, costs money. It is also time consuming considering that both manual and automated communication between the contacts is required before the delivery of equipment reaches the user. 
“This week I sat down with a large customer, where we went through what their procurement process looked like regarding IT hardware. It turned out they had five different contact points – both internal departments and external companies – who were involved in the delivery of the product before it reached the end user. In my opinion, this is both time and resource consuming for the business. Despite this, the process is quite common in many companies”, says Fredrik Spilsberg. 


Working with several different units and workspaces in one day is quite common today. Everything from computers, mobile phones, tablets to central virtual workspaces. People usually have only one unit, but many use two, three or more depending on their position and situation. It can then be a challenge to manage all units and have control over the cost of each unit in the company. 
“In conversations with customers, it is apparent that working with only one supplier is appreciated. With Foxway’s digital platform, the customer receives increased control and transparency in real time over the entire life cycle of their devices. With the help of the platform, you can easily see how much each department and employee costs; everything integrated in their own system”, says Fredrik. 
Foxway also has a centralized depot service which is used as a parking lot for devices, waiting for the next user. With a centralized depot service, it will be possible for the customer to reuse units and at the same time have control over units that are not being used. 

Safety and environment 

2021 was a year of many registered data breaches, and there is no reason to believe that the numbers will decrease in 2022. The data breaches are not only related to the vulnerability of the daily use of technology and IT hardware. Many companies also need to ensure secure deletion of valuable information when an employee quits or when the unit’s life cycle ends. 
Many companies use the help of external partners to securely data erase data bearing units. This is something Foxway takes care of – both locally and globally – which increases customer safety. 
“Something that makes us unique is that we have everything within the same group, built together in a digital platform that can be utilized via login or integration. We also have a dedicated team of global distribution specialists and a modern, newly built take-back facility which handles approximately 2 million units annually”, continues Fredrik. 

We make digital life easy 

Foxway helps you along the way; from planning, delivery, commissioning, maintenance and support to the take-back and recycling of end-of-life IT equipment. In summary, Foxway is the only partner our customers need to collaborate with for life cycle management of their IT equipment.  Together, with our world-leading suppliers of hardware, we ensure that you save both time and money on high quality technology with reduced carbon dioxide emissions. 

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