A lot of companies and organizations pay far too much for their printing services. Create control over your costs with the help from an expert. Let us explain how you can reduce your costs..
It’s always a good time to review your costs and ensure that your company is using the most cost-effective alternative. Printing services are a typical example of something that too many companies pay too much for. By taking the help of a print expert, you can save up to 30-50% of the costs for printers and print servers. Here’s what we do to help you take control of printing.
Situation assessment
To find the best solution for your company, we start off by doing a situation assessment. Then we look over your current costs and capacity, and compare it to your company’s size and needs. Do you have too many units? Or not enough of them? Do you pay for function that you don’t really need? With the help from the situation assessment, we can then together define what your print solution should look like, and what we can do to help you.
Put together a new solution
We customize a print solution for your company’s conditions and needs. That way you get control over your costs and only pay for the services and devices that you actually use. Together, we can review your printing routines in your company. In a lot of cases, it’s possible to switch to digital solutions for processes to reduce the number of prints that are made. By doing that, you can reduce your costs while doing good for the environment.
Work proactively
After the situation assessment and delivering your new, customized solution, it’s important to keep working and developing your printing solution. The need for printouts changes over times, both as companies change and as more and more processes are digitized. Foxway has a clear collaboration model that to always make sure to help companies get the most out of their investment, and the ability to offer a secure and optimized solutions for their customers.
What is lifecycle management and why you need it
There’s a lot happening between the day you invest in new hardware and the day it has finally served its purpose and is ready for hardware heaven.