
Asset redeployment is a strategic way to reallocate assets. Take used or idle assets and increase profitability. Achieve better results for the same cost with our robust asset redeployment strategy.

Give your assets a second chance

Assets cost money to store, maintain and replace. Deploying used assets within your organization supports a company’s cost management strategy. 

It is not always necessary to equip your staff with state-of-the-art devices. It’s more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to give devices a second life. We help collect devices and refurbish them so that new internal owners feel they receive an almost brand-new PC, Mac, or mobile phone.

Even more beneficial is our ability to manage the end user’s order of a redeployed unit through our integrated systems. Our people ensure that delivered devices are in their boxes, undamaged, and ready for use. We ship redeployed and configured units containing your company branding or organizational requirements. Our local teams make it easy to deliver to your remote employees working at home. 

This is what happens to electronic waste

Used ICT-equipment often contains components that can be used as spare parts in other devices, or can be recycled and valuable materials reused in new production streams. We help you test what can be reused, repair all that we can, and sort out the rest for recycling. Smartphones, tablets, laptops and MacBooks, desktop computing equipment and network equipment can all offer more value in reuse and resale than when recycled.

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