Employee Choice
Make Your Workday Easy
Do you enjoy working on technology that feels old, unfamiliar or substandard? Employee Choice gives you the opportunity to choose among your favorite IT devices that you love at home. Let’s make your workday easy and take your productivity and creativity to the next level. If you value performance & speed, operating systems and battery lifetime – Apple has everything you ever dreamed of.
A More Sustainable Choice
More and more companies are giving their employees the choice of what devices they want to use for work. E.g if they would prefer a MacBook from Apple or a PC from an other leading vendor. But what implications will the choice you make as an employee have on the environment?
The answer is quite simple. If you chose a product from Apple you will make a sustainable choice. The reason behind is that their products last longer and consume less energy than most other products. Although, the devices are still strong and powerful. This makes the actual carbon footprint related to the products less than any other comparable devices.

Apples standards go beyond what’s required by law to protect the people and the environment. And at the same without any compromise on the user experience. Apple continues to make progress in reducing the carbon footprint in their products. In 2030, all their products will be fully carbon neutral – from the design and production to the delivery and user experience till the recycling process.
The Power & Performance You need
With Apple products, you get the power and performance you need for a great day at work. The new Apple M1-chip makes your computer 3.5 times faster than before, up to six times faster graphics and fifteen times faster machine learning. Now you can work on several projects, while analyzing spreadsheets during the video conference, and fixing even the most performance-demanding tasks.

Operating Systems Synchronized with All Your Devices
All the business apps you need work perfectly on Mac. The App Store has over 235 000 apps tailored for things you do every day – to make your workday easy. You can even use apps from Microsoft 365, Google Workspace to SAP and Adobe Creative Cloud without losing speed. Be flexible and combine your work seamlessly with all your Apple devices.

A Minimum of 15 Hours Battery Lifetime
Gone are the days when a laptop charge would only last a few hours. With the new Macbook Air, you will have 15 hours of battery life for wireless web browsing. For video playback, the battery will last 18 hours. And the battery life on video calls will be twice the rate on current MacBook Air computers. If you are more interested in the new Mac Mini and the 13-inch MacBook Pro, you will get both the M1 chip and many more hours of battery life.

Employee Choice
Benefits for You & the Employee
Allowing employees to use the technology that they are most familiar with translates into numerous benefits for both the employer and employee. Here are four key factors in why employee choice will benefit your organization.

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