
Foxway shows the sustainable way forward in the tech industry 

Foxway has released its sustainability report for 2022. One of the most important takeaways from the report is the importance of understanding a product’s lifespan and the value of “additionality”. Foxway strives to take the lead in educating and influencing their customers and partners, and the industry to be and act more sustainable.

Industry organizations have identified circular offerings as a key to becoming more sustainable. As an example, GSMA (the global mobile communication industry) has predicted that the refurbished mobile market will grow 300% in 10 years. This is something that gives Foxway a great advantage in the market. 

-Foxway is leading the tech industry into a transition toward the circular economy. This is done through collecting and trading IT equipment such as mobiles and laptops and a leading datacentric platform enabling the complete eco-system of circular services. With our leading in-house tech centers in Europe, we believe we are changing and leading the industry into a new era; the sustainable era, says Stefan Nilsson, ESG Director at Foxway 

Foxway states how important it is to understand a product’s lifespan and the value of “additionality”. For Foxway, additionality means providing a longer lifetime for the devices and preparing it for a new life. Foxway has a leading position in processes, scale, and methodology. Today we offer refurbished cell phones at a footprint of only 2.27 kg CO2e and laptops at 6.65 kg CO2e. 

-We have committed ourselves to reducing our footprints by half in 2025 meaning that we can offer the market high-quality refurbished devices at the lowest CO2e in the market.  We collect and refurbish at least 5 times more used tech devices than we put into the market, says Stefan Nilsson, ESG Director at Foxway. 

Products can no longer be handled as just a commodity. They should be repaired, upgraded, and taken care of in order to have a longer life. Within Foxway’s walls, about 81% of all devices collected are refurbished and get a new life. The remaining unusable 19% are harvested of valuable components and spare parts, sorted, and finally handed over to licensed waste recyclers and resource extractors for raw material recovery. Core to Foxway’s strategy is to have zero e-waste and landfill. With our circular services, we are sure we can influence and change the industry and behaviors to be more sustainable.

Read the sustainability report for 2022

Emma Lindberg, Chief Marketing Officer at Foxway 
+46 709530204 

Stefan Nilsson, Director of ESG at Foxway